When you’re trying to lose weight, putting together a meal plan can take a lot of energy and effort. It can be tricky to find time to sit down and plan out a menu that will help you feel satiated and drop pounds. Luckily, we've got you covered with a 7-day diet plan for weight loss created by nutritionist Keri Gans, RD, the author of The Small Change Diet.

Devoting time to meal prep can be a helpful component of weight loss, she says. “For many individuals, planning ahead is key to successful weight loss since it may help decrease the guesswork and negative outside influences at meal time,” Gans says. To help, she has offered up several healthy food options that will help you stay full, satisfied, and support your weight loss goals.

Check out the 7-day meal plan for weight loss below, including a handy grocery list to take with you on your next stopping trip (because eating healthy shouldn’t be complicated).

Meet the expert: Keri Gans, RD, is a New York City-based nutritionist and the author of The Small Change Diet.

7-Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Every meal on this eating plan is a good mix of protein, fat, and carbs to help you fill up, stay satisfied, and hold your blood sugar steady—all key factors in losing weight.

Day 1

Breakfast: A piece of 100 percent whole wheat toast topped with half an avocado, two slices of tomato, and two poached eggs

Lunch: Mixed green salad with carrots, cucumbers, ½ avocado sliced, and 3 to 4 ounces broiled salmon, topped with a dash of olive oil and vinegar

Snack: Three cups air-popped popcorn

Dinner: One cup of cooked pasta (whatever kind you prefer) tossed with 3 ounces of grilled shrimp, as much asparagus as you want, sautéed garlic, and a dash of olive oil

Day 2

Breakfast: One cup cooked oatmeal mixed with one tablespoon of peanut butter and a medium-sized banana sliced on top

Lunch: Fresh roasted turkey sandwich on 100 percent whole wheat bread with lettuce, sliced tomato, and 1 tablespoon of mayo (or drizzle of olive oil)

Snack: ¼ cup raw almonds

Dinner: Three to four ounces of broiled salmon with baked potato (you can add a pat of butter or dollop of sour cream), and as much broccoli as you want

Day 3

Breakfast: A piece of 100 percent whole wheat toast topped with half an avocado, two slices of tomato, and two poached eggs

Lunch: Mixed green salad with carrots, cucumbers, ½ avocado sliced, and 3 to 4 ounces broiled salmon, topped with a dash of olive oil and vinegar

Snack: Two pieces of dark chocolate

Dinner: Four ounces of grilled chicken breast with one medium-sized sweet potato and sautéed spinach

Day 4

Breakfast: A cup of plain Greek or Icelandic yogurt topped with 1 cup of sliced strawberries and 1 ounce of sliced almonds

Lunch: One individual can of tuna mixed with 1 tablespoon of mayo (or dash of olive oil) on 100% whole grain bread, topped with lettuce, two slices of tomato, and a few slivers of red onion

Snack: A small handful of dates

Dinner: Four ounces of grilled chicken breast with one medium-sized sweet potato, steamed, and sautéed spinach

Day 5

Breakfast: One cup of cooked oatmeal mixed with one tablespoon of peanut butter and a medium-sized banana sliced on top

Lunch: One individual can of tuna mixed with 1 tablespoon of mayo (or dash of olive oil) on 100% whole grain bread, topped with lettuce, two slices of tomato, and a few slivers of red onion

Snack: Carrot or celery sticks dipped in ½ cup cottage cheese

Dinner: One cup of cooked pasta (whatever kind you prefer) tossed with 3 ounces of grilled shrimp, as much asparagus as you want, sautéed garlic, and dash of olive oil

Day 6

Breakfast: One piece of 100 percent whole wheat toast topped with half an avocado, two slices of tomato, and two poached eggs

Lunch: Fresh roasted turkey sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread with lettuce, sliced tomato, and 1 tablespoon of mayo (or drizzle of olive oil)

Snack: Hummus with pita chips and/or veggies for dipping

Dinner: Four ounces of grilled chicken breast with one medium-sized sweet potato, steamed, and sautéed spinach

Day 7

Breakfast: A cup of plain Greek or Icelandic yogurt topped with 1 cup of sliced strawberries and 1 ounce of sliced almonds

Lunch: Fresh roasted turkey sandwich on 100 percent whole wheat bread with lettuce, sliced tomato, and 1 tablespoon of mayo (or drizzle of olive oil)

Snack: One cup raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries

Dinner: One cup of cooked pasta (or zucchini noodles!) tossed with 3 ounces of grilled shrimp, as much asparagus as you want, sautéed garlic, and dash of olive oil

7-Day Healthy Eating Plan

Add this list of food staples to your pantry to encourage healthy meals all week long.

  • Greek yogurt (2 cups)
  • Pint of strawberries
  • Tomatoes (3)
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Avocado (2)
  • Sweet potatoes (3)
  • Lettuce
  • Mixed greens
  • Bananas (2)
  • Cucumbers
  • Carrots
  • Garlic clove
  • Baked potato (2)
  • Broccoli
  • Zucchini (1)
  • Red onion (1)
  • Container of old-fashioned oats
  • Sliced almonds (2 ounces)
  • No sugar-added peanut butter
  • Loaf of whole wheat bread
  • Dried pasta of your choice (3 cups)
  • Salmon (12 ounces)
  • Chicken (12 ounces)
  • Frozen shrimp (9 ounces)
  • Individual can of tuna (2)
  • Eggs (6)
  • Boneless frozen turkey (or 1 pound of turkey lunchmeat)
  • Small container of mayo or olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Raw almonds
  • Dark chocolate
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Cottage cheese
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries

Tips For Weight Loss

Being on a weight loss journey can feel overwhelming, but little changes go a long way. In addition to following the above meal template, prioritizing nutrient-packed foods can help you feel satiated while dropping weight sustainably.

One pro tip? Add more veggies and fiber-rich foods to your routine. "Always start your dinner and lunch with a large mixed green salad [and] light on the dressing of your choice," Gans says. "Salads are packed with fiber and help to fill you up."

If you love dessert and snacking throughout the day, try a cup of berries or a piece of fruit, like oranges and apples. Over time, this can help satisfy your sweet tooth while encouraging less-processed foods—which is key for losing weight in a healthy way.

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